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How we develop NICE guidelines

How we develop NICE guidelines

NICE guidelines are based on the best available evidence. We also rely on input from experts from the NHS, social care, local authorities and other organisations in the public, private and voluntary sectors. The views of people who use health and care services, and representatives of communities affected by the guideline, are essential to make sure the recommendations cover issues that are important to them.

NICE guidelines are developed by committees who take into account ethical and moral issues when making judgements and writing recommendations for NICE guidelines.

We have an obligation to promote equality and consider how our guidelines might affect groups with characteristics protected by the Equality Act (2010): age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. When developing guidelines, we also consider socioeconomic status, and issues affecting groups such as looked-after children, people who are homeless, people who misuse drugs and people in prison.

See our key principles in developing NICE guidelines: the manual for more information on this.

There are 3 main ways you can get involved:

In addition, people are sometimes asked to contribute in other ways, such as giving expert testimony to the committee or taking part in a focus group, interview or survey.

The main stages of guideline development are summarised in the next section on stages of guideline development.

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