The NICE medical technologies advisory committee (MTAC) has made draft recommendations on this technology following consideration of the evidence and expert views at a meeting on 18th October, 2019.

A consultation document has been prepared and is available below for public comment. It summarises the evidence and views that have been considered and sets out the recommendations made by the committee. NICE invites comments from the public. 

The advisory committee is interested in receiving comments on the following:

  • Has all of the relevant evidence been taken into account?
  • Are the summaries of clinical and resource savings reasonable interpretations of the evidence?
  • Are the recommendations sound and a suitable basis for guidance to the NHS?
  • Are there any equality issues that need special consideration and are not covered in the medical technology consultation document?

Please note that this document is not NICE's final guidance on this technology. The recommendations in the consultation document may change after consultation.

After consultation:

  • The medical technologies advisory committee will meet again to consider this consultation document and all comments received.
  • After considering these comments, the committee will prepare their final recommendations.
  • Subject to any resolution requests by consultees, the final recommendations will form the basis for NICE’s medical technology guidance on this technology.

For further details, see NICE’s guide to how we develop medical technologies guidance.

Please see here for key dates for this evaluation. The public consultation period will run for four weeks (from 9:00am on 8th November, 2019 until 5:00pm on 6th December, 2019.

How to comment

You should read both the Draft guideline (Online commenting) and the accompanying evidence (see the Supporting documentation) before making any comments.

We have a new way of making comments on this consultation. You must make your comments directly onto the online version of the consultation document. When you go into the document you will find instructions on how to use the new commenting software. You can also review and edit your comments before you submit them.

 If you have any issues then please contact

For more information about how we process your personal data please see our privacy notice.



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