Appendix A: Membership of the Programme Development Group, the NICE project team and external contractors

Appendix A: Membership of the Programme Development Group, the NICE project team and external contractors

The Programme Development Group

PDG membership is multidisciplinary. It comprises researchers, practitioners, stakeholder representatives and members of the public as follows:

Gordon Andrews Physical Activity Strategic Lead, Sandwell Primary Care Trust (PCT)

Vicki Birchwood Director of Sport, Salford City Academy, Manchester

Barry Causer Active Travel Service Manager, Sutton and Merton PCT (on secondment from London Borough of Southwark, where he is Sport and Physical Activity Manager)

Issy Cole-Hamilton Policy and Research Manager, Play England at the National Children's Bureau, London

Ashley Cooper Reader in Exercise and Health, Department of Exercise, Nutrition and Health Sciences, University of Bristol

Peter Cooper Children's Work Director, YMCA Fairthorne Group, Southampton

Dr Lindsey Dugdill Reader in Exercise and Health and Associate Dean, (research) Faculty of Health and Social Care, University of Salford

Martin Hagger Reader in Social Health and Psychology, School of Psychology, University of Nottingham

John Hutton Professor of Health Economics, York Health Economics Consortium and the Department of Health Sciences, University of York

Professor Christopher Laws Researcher in Children's Exercise and Health (former Head of School of Physical Education, University of Chichester)

Patricia Maude Tutor, Homerton College, University of Cambridge

Suzanne Priest Dance Adviser and Advanced Skills Teacher in Dance, National Dance Teachers Association

John Stevens Chief Executive Officer, Active Gloucestershire, University of Gloucestershire

Gareth Stratton (Chair) Professor of Paediatric Exercise Science, Research Institute for Sports and Exercise Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University

Paul Trueman Director, York Health Economics Consortium, University of York

Malcolm Tungatt Policy Manager, Policy and Improvement Team, Sport England

Kim Twine Community Member

Dr Esther van Sluijs Investigator Scientist, Prevention Group, MRC Epidemiology Unit, Cambridge

Sarah Vaughan-Roberts Community Member

Jonathan Williams Chief Executive Officer and Company Paediatric Exercise Scientist, SHOKK Limited, Manchester


Catherine Rawas former Communications Manager, Walk21, Gloucestershire

NICE project team

Mike Kelly
CPHE Director

Simon Ellis
Associate Director

Hilary Chatterton
Lead Analyst

Anthony Threlfall

Hugo Crombie

Adrienne Cullum

Susan Murray

Bhash Naidoo
Health Economics Adviser.

External contractors

External reviewers: reviews

Review 1: 'Descriptive epidemiology' was carried out by the NICE Public Health Collaborating Centre for Physical Activity. The principal authors were: Stuart Biddle and Nick Cavill.

Review 2: 'Correlates of physical activity in children: a review of quantitative systematic reviews' was carried out by the NICE Public Health Collaborating Centre for Physical Activity. The principal authors were: Stuart Biddle, Andy Atkin and Natalie Pearson.

Review 3: 'The views of children on the barriers and facilitators to participation in physical activity: a review of qualitative studies' was carried out by the NICE Public Health Collaborating Centre for Physical Activity. The principal authors were: Charlie Foster, Gill Cowburn, Steve Allender and Nicola Pearce Smith.

Review 4: 'Intervention review: under eights' was carried out by the NICE Public Health Collaborating Centre for Physical Activity. The principal authors were: Trish Gorely, Andy Atkin and Charlie Foster.

Review 5: 'Intervention review: children and active travel' was carried out by the NICE Public Health Collaborating Centre for Physical Activity. The principal authors were: Adrian Davis, Ashur Kaur, Nick Cavill and Charlie Foster with assistance from the SURE Information Centre, University of Cardiff.

Review 6: 'Intervention review: adolescent girls' was carried out by the NICE Public Health Collaborating Centre for Physical Activity. The principal authors were: Stuart Biddle, Andrew Atkin, Trish Gorley, Nick Cavill and Charlie Foster.

Review 7: 'Intervention review: family and community' was carried out by the NICE Public Health Collaborating Centre for Physical Activity. The principal authors were: Trish Gorley, Stuart Biddle, Andrew Atkin, Nick Cavill and Charlie Foster.

Review 8: 'Review of learning from practice: children and active play' was carried out by the NICE Public Health Collaborating Centre for Physical Activity. The principal authors were: Nick Cavill and Charlie Foster.

External reviewers: economic appraisal

Review of economic evaluations: 'A rapid review of economic literature related to the promotion of physical activity, play and sport for pre-school and school age children in family, pre-school, school and community settings' was carried out by the Health Economics Research Centre, Oxford. The principal authors were: James Buchanan, Jane Wolstenholme and Charlie Foster.

Cost effectiveness analysis: 'A cost-effectiveness scenario analysis of four interventions to increase child and adolescent physical activity: the case of walking buses, free swimming, dance classes and community sports' was carried out by the Health Economics Group, School of Medicine, Health Policy and Practice University of East Anglia. The principal authors were: Richard Fordham and Garry Barton.


'Fieldwork on the promotion of physical activity, active play and sport for pre-school and school age children in family, pre-school, school and community setting' was carried out by Greenstreet Berman.