Appendix E: Supporting documents

Appendix E: Supporting documents

Supporting documents include:

  • Reviews:

    • Review 1: 'Descriptive epidemiology'

    • Review 2: 'Correlates of physical activity in children: a review of quantitative systematic reviews'

    • Review 3: 'The views of children on the barriers and facilitators to participation in physical activity: a review of qualitative studies'

    • Review 4: 'Intervention review: under eights'

    • Review 5: 'Intervention review: children and active travel'

    • Review 6: 'Intervention review: adolescent girls'

    • Review 7: 'Intervention review: family and community'

    • Review 8: 'Review of learning from practice: children and active play'.

  • Economic analysis:

    • Review of economic evaluations: 'A rapid review of economic literature related to the promotion of physical activity, play and sport for pre-school and school age children in family, pre-school, school and community settings'

    • Cost-effectiveness analysis: 'A cost effectiveness scenario analysis of four interventions to increase child and adolescent physical activity: the case of walking buses, free swimming, dance classes and community sports'.

  • Fieldwork report: 'Fieldwork on the promotion of physical activity, active play and sport for pre-school and school age children in family, pre-school, school and community setting'.