Quality standard

Quality statements

Quality statements

Statement 1 People using adult NHS services are treated with empathy, dignity and respect. [2012]

Statement 2 People using adult NHS services understand the roles of healthcare professionals involved in their care and know how to contact them about their ongoing healthcare needs. [2012, updated 2019]

Statement 3 People using adult NHS services experience coordinated care with clear and accurate information exchange between relevant health and social care professionals. [2012]

Statement 4 People using adult NHS services experience care and treatment that is tailored to their needs and preferences. [2012, updated 2019]

Statement 5 People using adult NHS services have their preferences for sharing information with their family members and carers established, respected and reviewed throughout their care. [2012]

Statement 6 People using adult NHS services are supported in shared decision making. [2012, updated 2019]

In 2019 this quality standard was updated. Some statements were merged or had wording amended (2012, amended 2019). For more information, see update information.

The 2012 quality standard for patient experience in adult NHS services is available as a pdf.